You are invited to
attend a Celebration of Charlie's Life on Sept 28th, at 6 PM at the
QB (Quiet Birdmen) Shack on the Sun n Fun Campus. It will be an
informal gathering with drinks, snacks, and cake. Charlie loved a
good party and never passed up a piece of cake. Be casual and
plan to bring a tale or two that Charlie would enjoy. Regrets
only by Sept 24th. to
Charles (Charlie) Bukoski, WD4LKY,
became a silent key on August 6.2018.Charlie passed away following a septic bacterial infection while traveling in his motor home in Iowa. He was being treated for Multiple Myeloma for 2.5 years and his depleted immune system was unable to overcome the massive infection. He is survived by his wife, Judy (KB4BDQ), two sons, 3 grandchildren, and one sister.