Thursday, August 20, 2015


TARCFest Hamfest XXXIV
August 22nd, 2015
8:00am – 1:00pm

“Florida’s Friendliest Tailgate”
Set up for tailgaters begins at 7:00am
Trading opens up at 8:00am
Admission will be $4 per person children 12 and under free
Tailgating will be an additional $3
Indoor tables at $15.00 in advance
Great food and drink

W5YI VE Test Sessions after the Event

From I-4 Take the Hillsborough Avenue (US 92) exit west to 22nd Street and turn North on 22nd Street,
TARC is located at on the right at the end of 22nd Street.

From I-275 take the Sligh Avenue exit east to 22nd Street and turn North on 22nd Street, TARC is located
at on the right at the end of 22nd Street.

From I-75 take I-4 west to Hillsborough Avenue (US 92) exit west to 22nd Street and turn North on 22nd
Street, TARC is located at on the right at the end of 22nd Street.
See you there!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

First Meeting At Our New Location August 2015

We have some new hams, and . . .

 Left to right George, Richard, Clifton Fussell KM4MJH, David Wilt KM4MJJ, Peggy, Al, Ringo, and Steve Munson KM4MJI.  Congratulations to all. David is now a General, Steve and Clifton are new Techs. All now have something to sing about.

were treated to a fine presentation by

Chet Carruth on the subject of antenna tuners. Chet's presentation is online on our Yahoo Group site, as are most all others. Chet is pictured below, doing his usual great job on a tough subject.

Thirty-five attended, including several first timers. That said, we still had room for more.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wounded Warrior Walk

For more pictures of this event,

Wounded Warrior Walk 2015