Thursday, November 27, 2014

It Is That Time Of Year Again

Christmas Party 2014 is only days away!

This year, the party will be held December first. Festivities will start at six. Contact Rich if you wish to attend. You can pay at the door, but contact him first so that he can plan with Jimbo's. As in years past, we would like all those with a sweet tooth to bring a desert to share.

And don't forget, there will be a food collection for VISTE. Your donations will be most appreciated, especially at this time of year.

FGCARC Hamfest Just Around The Corner

Click here for more directions and site that tells it all, or click on the image below for a more readable copy.

Thursday Net 11,27, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday Net November 6, 2014

Double click on the image to make it more readable.

New And Improved Hams

Ernie and Geoff congratulate Corry McBride KM4EAX on passing his General. Geoff told us he owned a plane, but I for one had no idea how impressive it was. :-)
From left to right Glen, Daniel Keath KM4FOT, Joseph Torrence KM4FOU, Peggy, Ron, John Shufflebarger KM4FOS. and Jim.

The Guest Speaker
For The November 2014 Meeting Was Paul Womble

We had a record turnout for Paul Womble's presentation. By most counts there were seventy-five in attendance. Paul K4FB is the Program Manager for Polk County Emergency Management. His presentation covered both his responsibilities and that of his agency. Amateur radio operators have a special role in times of emergency. Paul suggested, among other things, first and foremost, to be prepared yourself, have a plan, and keep sharp on your radio communication skills. Know your equipment, and make sure you can manage simplex, should the repeater systems go down.

You can get more information at this website Click here

Here are some helpful frequencies to know. See how many you can reach, and in what mode.

Election Results For 2015

President Rich Kennedy, N4ESS
Vice President Matthew Stevens, KK4FEM
Secretary Bill Johnson, KI4ZMV
Treasurer Bob Foxworth, K2EUH

Board members
Chet Carruth, AB4XK
Stephanie Hildreth, KK4RAH
Mike Oliver, KT2T
Geoff Schuck, WA4MMO
Al Sheppard, W4ZSC
Bob Siegel, WA4YFN
James Stewart, W4XDS
David Zdanowicz, KI4WRX

Congratulations to the two newcomers Chet and Stephanie. Also, a big thank you is due to three past board members for their untiring service last year, Randy Wildman, Tom Evans and Fred Delaney.

The board looks forward to serving the club in 2015.