Each Principal promised an HT to the highest scoring student from their school. The first to qualify was a young lady from Sleepy Hill Elementary. She came prepared and performed well, missing only one of the 35 test questions. Misha is pictured below being congratulated for her achievement by Ernie KG4YNI with her teacher Jim KG4YJJ looking on.

And here is the group. They had the courage to try, and while not everyone succeeded, everyone knows in his or her heart that if they really want to they can. They also know that we will be there for them the next time.

Adults in rear: Jim KG4YJJ, Ernie KG4YNI, and Laura NO4OO.
Students, starting in the back row left to right: Bradly, Sidney, Alayshia, and Kaitlynn.
Students in the front row, left to right: Trevor, Cameron, Ram, Misha, and Hannah.
Amateur radio, above all else, is about friendship and comradery. A friend is one who celebrates your success. In the end it is all about caring. Hannah left, Misha right.

Not pictured is Tabitha, who had to leave before the pictures were taken to go to string class. Congratulations Tabitha. You are now a licensed ham. Also present was Bill KI4ZMV.